LABOR SAVINGS- Peels and cuts all smaller fruit. 10 Kiwi per minute. 8 pcs./min.
Oranges, Apples, Peaches and Avocados.
20%+ MORE YIELD-Thanks to the precision peeling along the contour of the fruit with even peel depth set by yourself, the machine always gives you maximum yield.
-30% LONGER SHELF LIFE: Machine’s patented laser-like cutting ability reduces fruit’s texture damage and juice loss, thus keeps them fresh longer.
FLEXIBLE OPERATION- Small Foot Print and light enough (22 lbs) to move as needed.
LOW PRICE: Only a fraction of other industrial peeling machines on the market, yet it performs multiple tasks including zest peeling off lemons and limes.
Capacity: 6-7 pcs/min
Fruit Size: Kiwi – over 48mm, Orange – over 50mm, below 160mm